To celebrate DeepBlue’s new look and feel, over the next few months we will be re-releasing all of DeepBlue’s albums, chatting to the creators behind them and throwing back to our favourite moments over the years of making music! we are chatting to the creators and throwing back to our favourite moments over the years […]
In 2021, the YoungBlue SummerSchool will be celebrating its 10th anniversary with a bigger and better program than ever before! Participants of the SummerSchool will have the once in a lifetime experience of developing and designing a public, polished performance showcasing YoungBlue participants, and for the first time, featuring guest performances by YoungBlue alumni and […]
DeepBlue had the honour and pleasure of being the house band for the Australian of the Year Awards. It was so inspiring learning about all the nominees’ incredible contributions to climate change action, social justice, medical research and the arts. It was great to play for Dr James Muecke as he received his Australian of […]
Back for its 9th year, the members of DeepBlue are excited to welcome new and old participants to YoungBlue SummerSchool 2020! Students aged 8 – 18 will embark on a week long journey where they’ll learn how to create, choreograph and perform their very own DeepBlue style show! SummerSchool will be held from 20 – […]
April 2 was a hot and sunny Saturday at the Sunshine Coast, and as we arrived at the Kings Beach Amphitheater to sound check early in the afternoon, people walking to and from the beach were curiously drawn to our music. Kids danced around and families promised to return for the event that night. Later […]
On Wednesday, 20 April, DeepBlue took over St John’s Anglican College’s theatre for a full day of YoungBlue workshops. We started bright and early with Drama workshops to get participants comfortable on stage and ready to let their personalities shine during their performances. We were so happy to see so many familiar faces and it […]
June 4 was a cold and rainy Saturday in Indooroopilly, but for DeepBlue and St Peters Lutheran College Music department it was a day full of excitement, musical talent and collaboration. St Peters presented us with one of the largest groups of YoungBlue participants we have ever had! Over 250 music students learned and memorised […]
The CreateX Festival was a fantastic collaboration of community, creativity and technology to celebrate the expansion of the Creative Industries precinct at the Queensland University of Technology. Sunday the 28th of August, 2016 provided the most perfect sunny day to showcase some of Brisbane’s most creative performers. DeepBlue’s performances began, with the extremely interactive and […]
DeepBlue, in collaboration with Autism Queensland’s Studio G re-staged the hit performance Altered States for the Autism CRC’s annual general meeting recently. Autism CRC is the world’s first national, cooperative research effort focused on autism. The Creative Industries precinct at QUT was the perfect location to host this collaborative performance. We were excited to get the DeepBlue group back together to […]
This highlights video tracks Song to the Earth from dusk till evening as DeepBlue and Dr Michael Askill lead a group of amazing local music students through Corrina Bonshek’s nature inspired work.