DeepBlue invites Townsville based string & percussion students to be part of their upcoming co-production, Song to the Ocean, an immersive, nature-inspired contemporary classical music by Corrina Bonshek & Collaborators. The North Australian Festival of Arts is presenting Song to the Ocean on Fri 30 June, and Sat 1 and Sun 2 July.
String students will be mentored by DeepBlue musicians in two String Workshops (Weds 28 June 3:30-6:30 & Thurs 29 June 3:30-7pm) before experiencing the excitement of performing alongside their mentor in this professional production on Fri 30 June, Sat 1 July & Sat 2 July.
This Invitation to Participate has all the project details!
Invitation to Song to the Ocean Workshops and Performances at NAFA
Follow the ‘Register to Participate’ links in the above Invitation, it’s a short form and you’ll receive an email confirmation. Then on 28 May you’ll receive an email with your child’s part and further info.
In addition to the Song to the Ocean Strings Program, we are also inviting music students aged 15-18 who are interested in learning gongs. You don’t need to be a percussion student, you just need to be able to read music. This is a great opportunity for students who learn piano who don’t get much ensemble playing experience.
Five lucky instrumental music students will be mentored by Australian percussion icon, Dr Michael Askill during a Gong Workshop on Thurs 29 June 3:45-8pm, the Dress Rehearsal from 6:45-7:15pm and performances at Jezzine Park on Fri 30 June (4:30-7:40), and Sat 1 (5:50-7:30pm) and Sun 2 July (5:50-8pm)
Cost of participation is free.
During the outdoor performance a walking audience will be invited to listen to original contemporary classical music by award-winning composer Dr Corrina Bonshek performed by acclaimed Australian string ensemble DeepBlue, master percussionist & south-east Asian gong expert Michael Askill, vocal powerhouse & multi-instrumentalist WHAIA, Maori sonic weaver and 30 young musicians of Brisbane.
This performance of Song to the Ocean is supported by Restart Investment to Sustain and Expand (RISE) Fund – an Australian Government Initiative, and North Australian Festival of Arts