DeepBlue were privileged to collaborate with Siddhi Yadav, renowed sand artist from Mumai on our India Stories show which premiered at the Woodford Folk Festival.
Siddhi Yadav is a sand artist, illustrator and painter based in Mumbai. Besides her work in advertising at McCann Worldgroup, she makes sand dance to the rhythm of her fingertips and tells beautiful tales. Each frame is a painting made using light and music. Her art as sand stories has been featured across India, Dubai & Australia for over 7 years.
She is immensely creative when it comes to tell a story using sand. Her stories are literally hypnotic, you feel completely lost inside the sand stories she creates.

The Queensland Choir

Digi Youth Arts


Michael Askill

Marianna Joslin

Eugene Gilfedder

Siddhi Yadav

Dheeraj Shrestha

Yanto Browning

Jared Donovan

David Gillette

Corrina Bonshek & Collaborators

Michael Whelan

Jonathan Roberts

Michelle Ryan

Carita Farrer

Naomi Price

Kate Miller-Heidke

Andy Ward